速報APP / 健康塑身 / Calorie Caffe

Calorie Caffe





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Calorie Caffe(圖1)-速報App

We write a caloried balanced and nutritionally balanced diet for weight loss, weight gain and


other disease sates. With the following information you provide we write a diet with the above

specifications for a traget weight you require for a healthy life : age, gender, height, weight,


food preferences. You can compare the outcomes with those we have found in our diet

clinics for last

several decades of our operations. The list of outcomes is detailed in detailed description.

Follow the steps below :

1) Buy the CalorieCafe card from a pharmacy

2) Download the app and submit the data required

3) Your data would be submitted to a computer program which acts as a diet engine which will


a calorie balanced and nutritionally balanced diet for the requirments submitted

4) Follow the diet prescription for 1 week

5) Renew the diet prescription after 1 week

6) Repeat the steps 1 – 5 until the targets of weight management are achieved. Are the

targets achieved ?

7) If yes exit the process. If no start from step 1 again. If after 6 weeks no response consult

your family physician or endocrinologist



1) Serving sizes shown are for cooked foods and prepared meals

2) All the 5 meals have to be taken and they are to be equally spaced out in time

3) Your fat and oil consumption should be that of a average sri lankan cuisine

4) Same meal plan for the entire week

5) Come again after 7 days for the next diet plan

6) Only the foods shown in the meal plan to be taken – no other extra foods

7) Tea means tea or plain-tea in sri lankan terms – no milk unless otherwise prescribed

8) Buy a cup which measures 300 ml and a table spoon which measures 15 ml – cup or table

spoons are not your cup at home nor spoons kept on your tables

9) You can drink water unlimited – BUT NO OTHER FOOD except those shown in the meal


10) These meal plans will achieve weight loss and waist loss both – during the dieting

program sometimes weight is lost, sometimes waist is lost, sometimes both lost – but it surely

will occur. We have achieved weight losses upto 40 kg with dieting alone

Calorie Caffe(圖2)-速報App

11) No need of exercise for weight loss during this dieting program –

12) Expected outcome – weight loss, waist loss, decreased pigmentation, regular menses,

decreased abdominal girth, increased fitness and decreased fatigue

13) There are many other things to do during a course of dieting programs which help to

achieve your goals they are :

Timers – 20 min meal time, eat slowly without gulping down the throat

Sleepers – avoid short sleep duration, normal sleep pattern essential

Yoga – mindfullness meditation helps responsiveness for inner body signals, so that more

sensitive for meal taste, hunger and satiety signals

Eating pause – first pause after a meal is started to be noticed. Stop eating therabouts

Eating slowly – essential for GIT hormone action sensors

Chewing gum – in between meals


Habituation – habit formation for eating behavior => daily repetition => 66 days

Identify emotional eating – See in dietingebm.txt


1) Weight loss

2) Waist loss

3) Weight gain

4) To reverse prediabetes

5) To reverse prehypertension

6) To reverse early hypercholesterolemia

7) To reverse atherogenic dyslipidemia

8) To achieve diabetes control

9) To achieve hypertension control

10) To achieve hyperlipidemia control

11) Management of food allergy

12) Management of chronic kidney disease

13) Management of lactose intolerance

14) Management of food inntolereances

15) Weight loss prior to surgery

16) Management of arthritis

17) Management of sleep apnea syndrome

18) Management of high cardiovascular risks

19) Management of high cancer risk

20) To reverse cachexia of chronic diseases like cirrhosis, cancer, heart failure, chronic renal

Calorie Caffe(圖3)-速報App


Calorie Caffe(圖4)-速報App